The JobMaker Hiring Scheme Credit is an incentive for eligible employers that hire additional young job seekers aged 16-35 between 7 October 2020 and 6 October 2021.


What is an eligible employer?

An eligible employer must have the following characteristics:

  • Operates a business in Australia and holds an ABN
  • Is registered for PAYGW
  • Has not claimed JobKeeper Payments for a fortnight during the JobMaker period
  • Is up to date with Income Tax and GST returns
  • Satisfies reporting requirements including Single Touch Payroll.
  • Satisfies the payroll increase and headcount increase conditions.

Generally, an increase in headcount means the number of employees employed by you at the end of each JobMaker period is higher than the number of employees in your baseline headcount. In the first year of the scheme, the baseline headcount of employees is conducted on 30 September 2020.


What is an eligible employee?

An eligible employee is:

  • aged 16-35 when they started employment during the JobMaker period (on or after 7 October 2020 and before 7 October 2021)
  • worked or have been paid for an average of at least 20 hours per week they were employed in the JobMaker period
  • received the Parenting Payment, Youth Allowance or JobSeeker for at least 28 consecutive days in the last 84 days prior to starting employment


Employer Payment Rates

Employers will receive $200 per week for each additional eligible employee aged between 16-29 and $100 per week for each additional eligible employee aged between 30-35. Payments to Employers will be made in arrears following each JobMaker period.


Key Dates

Start of Scheme: 7 October 2020

Registration Opens: 6 December 2020

First Claim period Opens: 1 February 2021

Scheme Ends: 6 October 2022